Singleton模式就为我们提供了这样实现的可能使用Singleton的好处还在于可以节省内存因为它限制了实例的个数有利于Java垃圾回收(garbage collection)
import javautil*;
class Singleton
private static Singleton instance;
private Vector v;
private boolean inUse;
private Singleton()
v = new Vector();
vaddElement(new Object());
inUse = true;
public static Singleton getInstance()
if (instance == null) //
instance = new Singleton(); //
return instance; //
这个单态模式是不安全的为什么说呢 ?因为没考虑多线程如下情况
Thread 调用getInstance() 方法并且判断instance是null然后进入if模块
Thread 抢占了Thread 的cpu
Thread 调用getInstance() 方法并且判断instance是null然后进入if模块
Thread 实例化instance 完成返回
Thread 再次实例化instance
public static synchronized Singleton getInstance()
if (instance == null) //
instance = new Singleton(); //
return instance; //
public static Singleton getInstance()
if (instance == null)
synchronized(Singletonclass) {
instance = new Singleton();
return instance;
四为了对应上边的问题单态模式也就是很多人采用的Doublechecked locking
public static Singleton getInstance()
if (instance == null)
synchronized(Singletonclass) { //
if (instance == null) //
instance = new Singleton(); //
return instance;
Thread :进入到//位置执行new Singleton()但是在构造函数刚刚开始的时候被Thread抢占cpu
Thread :进入getInstance()判断instance不等于null返回instance
Thread :利用返回的instance做某些操做失败或者异常
Thread :取得cpu初始化完成
mem = allocate(); //分配内存
instance = mem; //标记instance非空
//未执行构造函数thread 从这里进入
ctorSingleton(instance); //执行构造函数
class Singleton
private static Singleton instance;
private boolean inUse;
private int val;
private Singleton()
inUse = true;
val = ;
public static Singleton getInstance()
if (instance == null)
instance = new Singleton();
return instance;
;asm code generated for getInstance
DB mov eax[C] ;load instance ref
DB test eaxeax ;test for null
DB jne DD
DB mov eaxCh
DBE call EFF ;allocate memory
DC mov [C]eax ;store pointer in
;instance ref instance
;nonnull and ctor
;has not run
DC mov ecxdword ptr [eax]
DCA mov dword ptr [ecx] ;inline ctor inUse=true;
DD mov dword ptr [ecx+] ;inline ctor val=;
DD mov ebxdword ptr ds:[Ch]
DDD jmp DB
六好了上边证明Doublechecked locking可能出现取出错误数据的情况那么我们还是可以解决的
public static Singleton getInstance()
if (instance == null)
synchronized(Singletonclass) { //
Singleton inst = instance; //
if (inst == null)
synchronized(Singletonclass) { //
inst = new Singleton(); //
instance = inst; //
return instance;
利用Doublechecked locking 两次同步中间变量解决上边的问题
(下边这段话我只能简单的理解翻译过来不好所以保留原文list 是上边的代码list 是下边的
The code in Listing doesnt work because of the current definition of the memory model
The Java Language Specification (JLS) demands that code within a synchronized block
not be moved out of a synchronized block However it does not say that
code not in a synchronized block cannot be moved into a synchronized block
A JIT compiler would see an optimization opportunity here
This optimization would remove the code at
// and the code at // combine it and generate the code shown in Listing :)
public static Singleton getInstance()
if (instance == null)
synchronized(Singletonclass) { //
Singleton inst = instance; //
if (inst == null)
synchronized(Singletonclass) { //
//inst = new Singleton(); //
instance = new Singleton();
//instance = inst; //
return instance;
If this optimization takes place you have the same outoforder write problem we discussed earlier
Another idea is to use the keyword volatile for the variables inst and instance
According to the JLS (see Resources) variables declared volatile are supposed to
be sequentially consistent and therefore not reordered
But two problems occur with trying to use volatile to fix the problem with
doublechecked locking:
The problem here is not with sequential consistency
Code is being moved not reordered
Many JVMs do not implement volatile correctly regarding sequential consistency anyway
The second point is worth expanding upon Consider the code in Listing :
Listing Sequential consistency with volatile
class test
private volatile boolean stop = false;
private volatile int num = ;
public void foo()
num = ; //This can happen second
stop = true; //This can happen first
public void bar()
if (stop)
num += num; //num can == !
According to the JLS because stop and num are declared volatile
they should be sequentially consistent This means that if stop is ever true
num must have been set to
However because many JVMs do not implement the sequential consistency feature of volatile
you cannot count on this behavior
Therefore if thread called foo and thread called bar concurrently
thread might set stop to true before num is set to
This could lead thread to see stop as true but num still set to
There are additional problems with volatile and the atomicity of bit variables
but this is beyond the scope of this article
See Resources for more information on this topic
class Singleton
private Vector v;
private boolean inUse;
private static Singleton instance = new Singleton();
private Singleton()
v = new Vector();
inUse = true;
public static Singleton getInstance()
return instance;
但使用静态变量也会存在问题问题见 这篇文章