// Tuning Overview Oracle Alert and Trace Files Utilities and Dynamic Performance views Tuning the Shared Pool Tuning the Buffer Cache tuning the Redo Log Buffer Database Configuration and I/O Issues Using Oracle Blocks Efficiently Optimizing sort Operations Tuning Rollback Segments Monitoring and Detecting Lock Contention SQL Issues and Tuning Considerations for Different Applications Managing a Mixed Workload Tuning with Oracle Expert Multithreaded Server Tuning Issues which view can be used to monitor full table scan? v$sysstat no v$session_longops so I have to choose v$sysstat Three types for tunning session scopes instance structure application After u query v$dispatcher and you add more dispatcher following which situation will u meet possibly? shared server process contention (*) rbs header contention which two statment are true for OLTP? Using small block size instead of large size Config more rbs which two statments are true for stored outline? Storaged in sys schema Can be grouped with catogory The first step of using DBMS_resource_manager package create_pending_area Which two views will be queried when you monitor lock contention? v$lock v$locked_object v$locked_objects (error) 考了一个关于optimizer firstrows 的题 计不清楚了 Dead lock detected message is recorded in which file background_dump_dest I/O slave and DBWR 的工作方式 I/O only works in 异步IO的情况下 DBWR only works in 异步IO的情况下 I/O slave works in 异步 dbwr works in 同步 I/O slave works in 同步 dbwr works in 异步 选个 具体看看书吧 log buffer must be the multiple of OS block size which operations can avoid sort? 看书 Why u set next value equal init value when create rbs? minimal rbs header contention rbs used in circulate mode 我不会 CURSOR_SPACE_FOR_TIME考了 我印象很深因为这个地方的书我没看懂 |