今天遇到这样一个小问题客户程序连接数据库遇到了TNS错误 TNS: TNS:no appropriate service handler found 在监听器日志中也能看到这个错误信息 这个错误以前还真是没有遇到过Oracle文档提示 ORA: TNS:no appropriate service handler found Cause: The listener could not find any available service handlers that are appropriate for the client connection Action: Run lsnrctl services to ensure that the instance(s) have registered with the listener and are accepting connections 检查了数据库的监听等一切正常唯一的问题在于processes进程数量设置的太小仅有将这个参数修改为重启数据库一切恢复正常 SQL> alter system set processes= scope=spfile; System altered 此外在数据库的日志中还能够看到如下提示 Tue Oct :: starting up shared server(s) Oracle Data Guard is not available in this edition of Oracle 发现Oracle的告警日志信息提示越来越全面详尽 |