在Linux风行的今天与Windows机器相互共享文件已经是非常普遍的应用了关于samba的设置的文档也相当的多本站也有不少了不过在使用它的高级功能方面还是比较欠缺的这类文档是非常稀有的而且只有英文版的为了方便国内的Linux用户我将这些文档整理一下翻译过来并结合自己一些经验为大家提供一些帮助 注这篇文章并不是一篇关于如何配置samba的基础文档而是需要阅读者有一定的Linux使用经验熟悉脚本语言并且对samba有一定的使用经验主要是针对于一些企业的Linux网管或比较有经验的Linux爱好者 这篇文章也其说是文章不如说是一个技巧提示但是我个人觉得它意义非常大特别是对于大中型企业的用户来讲它可能非常重要 它主要描述了如果在Linux下使用samba来为使用Windows系统的机器作备份并且描述了如何跨子网共享samba 将Windows机器备分到一台Linux主机上 Adam Neat(au)向我们提供了以下一段代码它描述了如何使用smbclient软件包将windows机器备份到Linux主机上Adam说它可以用来备份windows x和NT机器到一台Linux的磁带机上 另一段代码是Dan Tager ()提供的Dan的脚本是通过rsh来备份Unix机器尽管它可以修改成ssh以便使其更简单些 在下面这个脚本中字符串agnea是作备份工作的Linux主机的一个用户名 #!/bin/bash clear echo Initialising checkdate=`date | awk {print $}` if [ f ~agnea/backupdir/backupdata ]; then echo ERROR: No config file for today! echo FATAL! exit fi if [ d ~agnea/backupdir/temp ]; then echo ERROR: No tempoary directory found! echo echo Attempting to create cd ~agnea cd backupdir mkdir temp echo Directory Made temp fi if [ $ = ]; then echo ERROR: enter in a machine name (ie: cdwriter) exit fi if [ $ = ]; then echo ERROR: enter in a SMB (Lan Manager) Resource (ie: work) exit fi if [ $ = ]; then echo ERROR: enter in an IP address for $ (ie: xxxxxx) exit fi ######################################################### # Main Section # ######################################################### cd ~agnea/backupdir/temp rm r ~agnea/backupdir/temp/* cd ~agnea/backupdir/ case $checkdate in Mon) echo Backuping for Monday cat backupdata | /usr/local/samba/bin/smbclient $$ I$ N echo Complete if [ d ~agnea/backupdir/Monday ]; then echo Directory Monday Not found making mkdir ~agnea/backupdir/Monday fi echo Archiving cd ~agnea/backupdir/temp tar cf mondaytar *echo done rm ~agnea/backupdir/Monday/mondaytar mv mondaytar ~agnea/backupdir/Monday ;; Tue) echo Backuping for Tuesday cat backupdata | /usr/local/samba/bin/smbclient $$ I$ N echo Complete if [ d ~agnea/backupdir/Tuesday ]; then echo Directory Tuesday Not found making mkdir ~agnea/backupdir/Tuesday fi echo Archiving cd ~agnea/backupdir/temp tar cf tuesdaytar * echo done rm ~agnea/backupdir/Tuesday/tuesdaytar mv tuesdaytar ~agnea/backupdir/Tuesday ;; Wed) echo Backuping for Wednesday cat backupdata | /usr/local/samba/bin/smbclient $$ I$ N echo Complete if [ d ~agnea/backupdir/Wednesday ]; then echo Directory Wednesday Not found making mkdir ~agnea/backupdir/Wednesday fi echo Archiving cd ~agnea/backupdir/temp tar cf wednesdaytar * echo done rm ~agnea/backupdir/Wednesday/wednesdaytar mv wednesdaytar ~agnea/backupdir/Wednesday ;; Thu) echo Backuping for Thrusday cat backupdata | /usr/local/samba/bin/smbclient $$ I$ N echo Complete if [ d ~agnea/backupdir/Thursday ]; then echo Directory Thrusday Not found making mkdir ~agnea/backupdir/Thursday fi echo Archiving cd ~agnea/backupdir/temp tar cf thursdaytar * echo done rm ~agnea/backupdir/Thursday/thursdaytar mv thursdaytar ~agnea/backupdir/Thursday ;; Fri) echo Backuping for Friday cat backupdata | /usr/local/samba/bin/smbclient $$ I$ N echo Complete if [ d ~agnea/backupdir/Friday ]; then echo Directory Friday Not found making mkdir ~agnea/backupdir/Friday fi echo Archiving cd ~agnea/backupdir/temp tar cf fridaytar * echo done rm ~agnea/backupdir/Friday/fridaytar mv fridaytar ~agnea/backupdir/Friday ;; *) echo FATAL ERROR: Unknown variable passed for day exit ;; esac ########### ______________________________________________________ 这里是Dan的备份脚本 ______________________________________________________ #!/bin/bash BACKDIR=D/backup WINCMD=D/usr/bin/smbclient function CopyWinHost(){ # tars and gzips windows shares to a local directory using sambas # smbclient # argument is the remote host windows host name # argument is the share name to be backed up echo $$$ REMOTE=D$ SHARE=D$ DEST=D$ # create a tarred gzip file using samba to copy direct from a # windows pc # is a password Needs some password even if not defined on # remote system $WINCMD $REMOTE$SHARE Tc |gzip > $DEST echo `date`: Done backing up $REMOTE to $DEST echo } function CopyUnixHost(){ # tars and gzips a directory using rsh # argument is the name of the remote source host # argument is the full path to the remote source directory # argument is the name of the local targzip file day of week # plus tgz will be appended to argument REMOTE=D$ SRC=D$ DEST=D$ if rsh $REMOTE tar cf $SRC |gzip > $DEST; then echo `date`: Done backing up $REMOTE:$SRC to $DEST else echo `date`: Error backing up $REMOTE:$SRC to $DEST fi } # $: win=Dbackup windows machine unix=Dbackup unix machine case $ in win) # $=D remote windows name $=Dremote share name # $=Dlocal destination directory CopyWinHost $ $ $;; unix) # $ =D remote host $ =D remote directory # $ =D destination name CopyUnixHost $ $ $;; esac 以上两个文件都是针对于具体的机器而设计的如果您准备对自己的机器也进行备份那么请您安照您自己的机器的具体情况来修改这两个文件的一个就可以使用了 跨子网使用samba 许多大型企业有不同的子网但是如何将另一个子网的内容被其它子网共享是一个非常关键的问题许多samba的用户在这里遇到许多麻烦如果这点被解决了 |