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改变 TreeView 的背景

Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib User Alias SendMessageA (ByVal hWnd As Long ByVal wMsg As Long ByVal wParam

As Long lParam As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function GetWindowLong Lib User Alias GetWindowLongA (ByVal hWnd As Long ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function SetWindowLong Lib User Alias SetWindowLongA (ByVal hWnd As Long ByVal nIndex As Long ByVal

dwNewLong As Long) As Long

Private Const GWL_STYLE = &

Private Const TVM_SETBKCOLOR = &

Private Const TVM_GETBKCOLOR = &

Private Const TVS_HASLINES = &

Dim frmlastForm As Form

Private Sub Form_Load()

Dim nodX As Node

Set nodX = TreeViewNodesAdd( R Root)

Set nodX = TreeViewNodesAdd(R tvwChild C Child )

Set nodX = TreeViewNodesAdd(R tvwChild C Child )

Set nodX = TreeViewNodesAdd(R tvwChild C Child )

Set nodX = TreeViewNodesAdd(R tvwChild C Child )


TreeViewstyle = tvwTreelinesText Style

TreeViewBorderStyle = vbFixedSingle

End Sub

Private Sub Command_Click()

Dim lngStyle As Long

Call SendMessage(TreeViewhWnd TVM_SETBKCOLOR ByVal RGB( ))


lngStyle = GetWindowLong(TreeViewhWnd GWL_STYLE)

Call SetWindowLong(TreeViewhWnd GWL_STYLE lngStyle TVS_HASLINES)

Call SetWindowLong(TreeViewhWnd GWL_STYLE lngStyle)

End Sub

Option Explicit

Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib User Alias SendMessageA (ByVal hWnd As Long ByVal wMsg As Long ByVal wParam As Long lParam As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function GetWindowLong Lib User Alias GetWindowLongA (ByVal hWnd As Long ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function SetWindowLong Lib User Alias SetWindowLongA (ByVal hWnd As Long ByVal nIndex As Long ByVal dwNewLong As Long) As Long

Private Const GWL_STYLE = &

Private Const TVM_SETBKCOLOR = &

Private Const TVM_GETBKCOLOR = &

Private Const TVS_HASLINES = &

Private Sub Form_Load()

Dim nodex As Node

Dim i As Integer

Dim lStyle As Long

Call SendMessage(TreeViewhWnd TVM_SETBKCOLOR ByVal RGB( ))

lStyle = GetWindowLong(TreeViewhWnd GWL_STYLE)

Call SetWindowLong(TreeViewhWnd GWL_STYLE lStyle TVS_HASLINES)

Call SetWindowLong(TreeViewhWnd GWL_STYLE lStyle)

TreeViewStyle = tvwTreelinesPlusMinusPictureText

TreeViewBorderStyle = ccFixedSingle

With TreeViewNodes

Set nodex = Add( R Root)

nodexBackColor = RGB( )

For i = To

Set nodex = Add(R tvwChild C & i Child & i)

nodexBackColor = RGB( )



End With

End Sub


下一篇:基础教程WML Script语法基础