toExponential([fractionDigits]) 将数字按科学计数法格式返回其中的fractionDigits值小数点后保留的位数
toFixed([fractionDigits]) 将数字按指定的小数点位数返回其中的fractionDigits值小数点后保留的位数
toPrecision([precision]) 将数字按指定的精度返回(这个精度不是指小数点后几位)其中precision是指定的精度值
var n = ;
ntoFixed(); // Returns
ntoFixed(); // Returns
ntoFixed(); // Returns
(e+)toFixed(); // Returns
(e)toFixed(); // Returns
toFixed(); // Returns
toFixed(); // Returns
()toFixed(); // Returns
function roundNumber(numberdecimals) {
var newString;// The new rounded number
decimals = Number(decimals);
if (decimals < ) {
newString = (Mathround(number))toString();
} else {
var numString = numbertoString();
if (numStringlastIndexOf("") == ) {// If there is no decimal point
numString += "";// give it one at the end
var cutoff = numStringlastIndexOf("") + decimals;// The point at which to truncate the number
var d = Number(numStringsubstring(cutoffcutoff+));// The value of the last decimal place that well end up with
var d = Number(numStringsubstring(cutoff+cutoff+));// The next decimal after the last one we want
if (d >= ) {// Do we need to round up at all? If not the string will just be truncated
if (d == && cutoff > ) {// If the last digit is find a new cutoff point
while (cutoff > && (d == || isNaN(d))) {
if (d != "") {
cutoff = ;
d = Number(numStringsubstring(cutoffcutoff+));
} else {
cutoff = ;
d += ;
if (d == ) {
numString = numStringsubstring( numStringlastIndexOf(""));
var roundedNum = Number(numString) + ;
newString = roundedNumtoString() + ;
} else {
newString = numStringsubstring(cutoff) + dtoString();
if (newStringlastIndexOf("") == ) {// Do this again to the new string
newString += "";
var decs = (newStringsubstring(newStringlastIndexOf("")+))length;
for(var i=;i
//var newNumber = Number(newString);// make it a number if you like
documentroundformroundedfieldvalue = newString; // Output the result to the form field (change for your purposes)