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Java 中对文件的读写操作之比较

Java 中对文件的读写操作之比较

Java 对文件进行读写操作的例子很多让初学者感到十分困惑我觉得有必要将各种方法进行


一.在 JDK 通常是用 InputStream & OutputStream 这两个基类来进行读写操作的

InputStream 中的 FileInputStream 类似一个文件句柄通过它来对文件进行操作类似的

OutputStream 中我们有 FileOutputStream 这个对象

用FileInputStream 来读取数据的常用方法是

FileInputStream fstream = new FileInputStream(args[]);

DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(fstream);

用 inreadLine() 来得到数据然后用 inclose() 关闭输入流

完整代码见 Example

用FileOutputStream 来写入数据的常用方法是

FileOutputStream out out = new FileOutputStream(myfiletxt);

PrintStream p = new PrintStream( out );

用 pprintln() 来写入数据然后用 pclose() 关闭输入

完整代码见 Example

二.在 JDK 支持两个新的对象 Reader & Writer 它们只能用来对文本文件进行操作

JDK中的 InputStream & OutputStream 可以对文本文件或二进制文件进行操作

用FileReader 来读取文件的常用方法是

FileReader fr = new FileReader(mydatatxt);

BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr);

用 brreadLing() 来读出数据然后用brclose() 关闭缓存用frclose() 关闭文件

完整代码见 Example

用 FileWriter 来写入文件的常用方法是

FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(mydatatxt);

PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(fw);

在用outprint 或 outprintln 来往文件中写入数据outprint 和 outprintln的唯一区别是后者写

入数据或会自动开一新行写完后要记得 用outclose() 关闭输出用fwclose() 关闭文件

完整代码见 Example

Example :

// FileInputDemo

// Demonstrates FileInputStream and DataInputStream

import javaio*;

class FileInputDemo {

public static void main(String args[]) {

// argslength is equivalent to argc in C

if (argslength == ) {

try {

// Open the file that is the first command line parameter

FileInputStream fstream = new FileInputStream(args[]);

// Convert our input stream to a DataInputStream

DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(fstream);

// Continue to read lines while there are still some left to read

while (inavailable() !=) {

// Print file line to screen

Systemoutprintln (inreadLine());



} catch (Exception e) {

Systemerrprintln(File input error);




Systemoutprintln(Invalid parameters);



Example :

// FileOutputDemo

// Demonstration of FileOutputStream and PrintStream classes

import javaio*;

class FileOutputDemo


public static void main(String args[]) {

FileOutputStream out; // declare a file output object

PrintStream p; // declare a print stream object

try {

// connected to myfiletxt

out = new FileOutputStream(myfiletxt);

// Connect print stream to the output stream

p = new PrintStream( out );

pprintln (This is written to a file);


} catch (Exception e) {

Systemerrprintln (Error writing to file);




Example :

// FileReadTestjava

// User FileReader in JDK to read a file

import javaio*;

class FileReadTest {

public static void main (String[] args) {

FileReadTest t = new FileReadTest();



void readMyFile() {

String record = null;

int recCount = ;

try {

FileReader fr = new FileReader(mydatatxt);

BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr);

record = new String();

while ((record = brreadLine()) != null) {


Systemoutprintln(recCount + : + record);




} catch (IOException e) {

Systemoutprintln(Uh oh got an IOException error!);





Example :

// FileWriteTestjava

// User FileWriter in JDK to writer a file

import javaio*;

class FileWriteTest {

public static void main (String[] args) {

FileWriteTest t = new FileWriteTest();



void WriteMyFile() {

try {

FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(mydatatxt);

PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(fw);

outprint(hithis will be wirte into the file!);



} catch (IOException e) {

Systemoutprintln(Uh oh got an IOException error!);






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