using System;
using SystemRuntimeInteropServices;
using SystemReflection;
using SystemThreading;
using SystemWindowsForms;
using SystemComponentModel;
namespace gmaSystemWindows
/// <summary>
/// This class allows you to tap keyboard and mouse and / or to detect their activity even when an
/// application runes in background or does not have any user interface at all This class raises
/// common NET events with KeyEventArgs and MouseEventArgs so you can easily retrieve any information you need
/// </summary>
public class UserActivityHook
#region Windows structure definitions
/// <summary>
/// The POINT structure defines the x and y coordinates of a point
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// ?url=/library/enus/gdi/rectangl_tiqasp
/// </remarks>
private class POINT
/// <summary>
/// Specifies the xcoordinate of the point
/// </summary>
public int x;
/// <summary>
/// Specifies the ycoordinate of the point
/// </summary>
public int y;
/// <summary>
/// The MOUSEHOOKSTRUCT structure contains information about a mouse event passed to a WH_MOUSE hook procedure MouseProc
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// ?url=/library/enus/winui/winui/windowsuserinterface/windowing/hooks/hookreference/hookstructures/cwpstructasp
/// </remarks>
private class MouseHookStruct
/// <summary>
/// Specifies a POINT structure that contains the x and ycoordinates of the cursor in screen coordinates
/// </summary>
public POINT pt;
/// <summary>
/// Handle to the window that will receive the mouse message corresponding to the mouse event [Page]
/// </summary>
public int hwnd;
/// <summary>
/// Specifies the hittest value For a list of hittest values see the description of the WM_NCHITTEST message
/// </summary>
public int wHitTestCode;
/// <summary>
/// Specifies extra information associated with the message
/// </summary>
public int dwExtraInfo;
/// <summary>
/// The MSLLHOOKSTRUCT structure contains information about a lowlevel keyboard input event
/// </summary>
private class MouseLLHookStruct
/// <summary>
/// Specifies a POINT structure that contains the x and ycoordinates of the cursor in screen coordinates
/// </summary>
public POINT pt;
/// <summary>
/// If the message is WM_MOUSEWHEEL the highorder word of this member is the wheel delta
/// The loworder word is reserved A positive value indicates that the wheel was rotated forward
/// away from the user; a negative value indicates that the wheel was rotated backward toward the user
/// One wheel click is defined as WHEEL_DELTA which is
/// or WM_NCXBUTTONDBLCLK the highorder word specifies which X button was pressed or released
/// and the loworder word is reserved This value can be one or more of the following values Otherwise mouseData is not used
///The first X button was pressed or released
///The second X button was pressed or released
/// </summary>
public int mouseData;
/// <summary>
/// Specifies the eventinjected flag An application can use the following value to test the mouse flags Value Purpose
///LLMHF_INJECTED Test the eventinjected flag
///Specifies whether the event was injected The value is if the event was injected; otherwise it is [Page]
/// </summary>
public int flags;
/// <summary>
/// Specifies the time stamp for this message
/// </summary>
public int time;
/// <summary>
/// Specifies extra information associated with the message
/// </summary>
public int dwExtraInfo;
/// <summary>
/// The KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT structure contains information about a lowlevel keyboard input event
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// ?url=/library/enus/winui/winui/windowsuserinterface/windowing/hooks/hookreference/hookstructures/cwpstructasp
/// </remarks>
private class KeyboardHookStruct
/// <summary>
/// Specifies a virtualkey code The code must be a value in the range to
/// </summary>
public int vkCode;
/// <summary>
/// Specifies a hardware scan code for the key
/// </summary>
public int scanCode;
/// <summary>
/// Specifies the extendedkey flag eventinjected flag context code and transitionstate flag
/// </summary>
public int flags;
/// <summary>
/// Specifies the time stamp for this message
/// </summary>
public int time;
/// <summary>
/// Specifies extra information associated with the message
/// </summary>
public int dwExtraInfo;
#region Windows function imports
/// <summary>
/// The SetWindowsHookEx function installs an applicationdefined hook procedure into a hook chain
/// You would install a hook procedure to monitor the system for certain types of events These events
/// are associated either with a specific thread or with all threads in the same desktop as the calling thread
/// </summary>[Page]
/// <param name=\idHook\>
/// [in] Specifies the type of hook procedure to be installed This parameter can be one of the following values
/// </param>
/// <param name=\lpfn\>
/// [in] Pointer to the hook procedure If the dwThreadId parameter is zero or specifies the identifier of a
/// thread created by a different process the lpfn parameter must point to a hook procedure in a dynamiclink
/// library (DLL) Otherwise lpfn can point to a hook procedure in the code associated with the current process
/// </param>
/// <param name=\hMod\>
/// [in] Handle to the DLL containing the hook procedure pointed to by the lpfn parameter
/// The hMod parameter must be set to NULL if the dwThreadId parameter specifies a thread created by
/// the current process and if the hook procedure is within the code associated with the current process
/// </param>
/// <param name=\dwThreadId\>
/// [in] Specifies the identifier of the thread with which the hook procedure is to be associated
/// If this parameter is zero the hook procedure is associated with all existing threads running in the
/// same desktop as the calling thread
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// If the function succeeds the return value is the handle to the hook procedure
/// If the function fails the return value is NULL To get extended error information call GetLastError
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// ?url=/library/enus/winui/winui/windowsuserinterface/windowing/hooks/hookreference/hookfunctions/setwindowshookexasp
/// </remarks>
[DllImport(\userdll\ CharSet = CharSetAuto
CallingConvention = CallingConventionStdCall SetLastError = true)]
private static extern int SetWindowsHookEx(
int idHook
HookProc lpfn
IntPtr hMod
int dwThreadId);
/// <summary>
/// The UnhookWindowsHookEx function removes a hook procedure installed in a hook chain by the SetWindowsHookEx function
/// </summary>
/// <param name=\idHook\>
/// [in] Handle to the hook to be removed This parameter is a hook handle obtained by a previous call to SetWindowsHookEx [Page]
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// If the function succeeds the return value is nonzero
/// If the function fails the return value is zero To get extended error information call GetLastError
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// ?url=/library/enus/winui/winui/windowsuserinterface/windowing/hooks/hookreference/hookfunctions/setwindowshookexasp
/// </remarks>
[DllImport(\userdll\ CharSet = CharSetAuto
CallingConvention = CallingConventionStdCall SetLastError = true)]
private static extern int UnhookWindowsHookEx(int idHook);
/// <summary>
/// The CallNextHookEx function passes the hook information to the next hook procedure in the current hook chain
/// A hook procedure can call this function either before or after processing the hook information
/// </summary>
/// <param name=\idHook\>Ignored</param>
/// <param name=\nCode\>
/// [in] Specifies the hook code passed to the current hook procedure
/// The next hook procedure uses this code to determine how to process the hook information
/// </param>
/// <param name=\wParam\>
/// [in] Specifies the wParam value passed to the current hook procedure
/// The meaning of this parameter depends on the type of hook associated with the current hook chain
/// </param>
/// <param name=\lParam\>
/// [in] Specifies the lParam value passed to the current hook procedure
/// The meaning of this parameter depends on the type of hook associated with the current hook chain
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// This value is returned by the next hook procedure in the chain
/// The current hook procedure must also return this value The meaning of the return value depends on the hook type
/// For more information see the descriptions of the individual hook procedures
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// ?url=/library/enus/winui/winui/windowsuserinterface/windowing/hooks/hookreference/hookfunctions/setwindowshookexasp
/// </remarks>[Page]
[DllImport(\userdll\ CharSet = CharSetAuto
CallingConvention = CallingConventionStdCall)]
private static extern int CallNextHookEx(
int idHook
int nCode
int wParam
IntPtr lParam);
/// <summary>
/// The CallWndProc hook procedure is an applicationdefined or librarydefined callback
/// function used with the SetWindowsHookEx function The HOOKPROC type defines a pointer
/// to this callback function CallWndProc is a placeholder for the applicationdefined
/// or librarydefined function name
/// </summary>
/// <param name=\nCode\>
/// [in] Specifies whether the hook procedure must process the message
/// If nCode is HC_ACTION the hook procedure must process the message
/// If nCode is less than zero the hook procedure must pass the message to the
/// CallNextHookEx function without further processing and must return the
/// value returned by CallNextHookEx
/// </param>
/// <param name=\wParam\>
/// [in] Specifies whether the message was sent by the current thread
/// If the message was sent by the current thread it is nonzero; otherwise it is zero
/// </param>
/// <param name=\lParam\>
/// [in] Pointer to a CWPSTRUCT structure that contains details about the message
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// If nCode is less than zero the hook procedure must return the value returned by CallNextHookEx
/// If nCode is greater than or equal to zero it is highly recommended that you call CallNextHookEx
/// and return the value it returns; otherwise other applications that have installed WH_CALLWNDPROC
/// hooks will not receive hook notifications and may behave incorrectly as a result If the hook
/// procedure does not call CallNextHookEx the return value should be zero
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// ?url=/library/enus/winui/winui/windowsuserinterface/windowing/hooks/hookreference/hookfunctions/callwndprocasp
/// </remarks>
private delegate int HookProc(int nCode int wParam IntPtr lParam);[Page]
/// <summary>
/// The ToAscii function translates the specified virtualkey code and keyboard
/// state to the corresponding character or characters The function translates the code
/// using the input language and physical keyboard layout identified by the keyboard layout handle
/// </summary>
/// <param name=\uVirtKey\>
/// [in] Specifies the virtualkey code to be translated
/// </param>
/// <param name=\uScanCode\>
/// [in] Specifies the hardware scan code of the key to be translated
/// The highorder bit of this value is set if the key is up (not pressed)
/// </param>
/// <param name=\lpbKeyState\>
/// [in] Pointer to a byte array that contains the current keyboard state
/// Each element (byte) in the array contains the state of one key
/// If the highorder bit of a byte is set the key is down (pressed)
/// The low bit if set indicates that the key is toggled on In this function
/// only the toggle bit of the CAPS LOCK key is relevant The toggle state
/// of the NUM LOCK and SCROLL LOCK keys is ignored
/// </param>
/// <param name=\lpwTransKey\>
/// [out] Pointer to the buffer that receives the translated character or characters
/// </param>
/// <param name=\fuState\>
/// [in] Specifies whether a menu is active This parameter must be if a menu is active or otherwise
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// If the specified key is a dead key the return value is negative Otherwise it is one of the following values
/// Value Meaning
/// The specified virtual key has no translation for the current state of the keyboard
/// One character was copied to the buffer
/// Two characters were copied to the buffer This usually happens when a deadkey character
/// (accent or diacritic) stored in the keyboard layout cannot be composed with the specified
/// virtual key to form a single character
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// ?url=/library/enus/winui/winui/windowsuserinterface/userinput/keyboardinput/keyboardinputreference/keyboardinputfunctions/toasciiasp[Page]
/// </remarks>
private static extern int ToAscii(
int uVirtKey
int uScanCode
byte[] lpbKeyState
byte[] lpwTransKey
int fuState);
/// <summary>
/// The GetKeyboardState function copies the status of the virtual keys to the
/// specified buffer
/// </summary>
/// <param name=\pbKeyState\>
/// [in] Pointer to a byte array that contains keyboard key states
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// If the function succeeds the return value is nonzero
/// If the function fails the return value is zero To get extended error information call GetLastError
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// ?url=/library/enus/winui/winui/windowsuserinterface/userinput/keyboardinput/keyboardinputreference/keyboardinputfunctions/toasciiasp
/// </remarks>
private static extern int GetKeyboardState(byte[] pbKeyState);
[DllImport(\userdll\ CharSet = CharSetAuto CallingConvention = CallingConventionStdCall)]
private static extern short GetKeyState(int vKey);
#region Windows constants
//values from Winuserh in Microsoft SDK
/// <summary>
/// Windows NT//XP: Installs a hook procedure that monitors lowlevel mouse input events
/// </summary>
private const int WH_MOUSE_LL = ;
/// <summary>
/// Windows NT//XP: Installs a hook procedure that monitors lowlevel keyboard input events
/// </summary>
private const int WH_KEYBOARD_LL = ;
/// <summary>
/// Installs a hook procedure that monitors mouse messages For more information see the MouseProc hook procedure
/// </summary>
private const int WH_MOUSE = ;
/// <summary>
/// Installs a hook procedure that monitors keystroke messages For more information see the KeyboardProc hook procedure
/// </summary>
private const int WH_KEYBOARD = ;
/// <summary>
/// The WM_MOUSEMOVE message is posted to a window when the cursor moves [Page]
/// </summary>
private const int WM_MOUSEMOVE = x;
/// <summary>
/// The WM_LBUTTONDOWN message is posted when the user presses the left mouse button
/// </summary>
private const int WM_LBUTTONDOWN = x;
/// <summary>
/// The WM_RBUTTONDOWN message is posted when the user presses the right mouse button
/// </summary>
private const int WM_RBUTTONDOWN = x;
/// <summary>
/// The WM_MBUTTONDOWN message is posted when the user presses the middle mouse button
/// </summary>
private const int WM_MBUTTONDOWN = x;
/// <summary>
/// The WM_LBUTTONUP message is posted when the user releases the left mouse button
/// </summary>
private const int WM_LBUTTONUP = x;
/// <summary>
/// The WM_RBUTTONUP message is posted when the user releases the right mouse button
/// </summary>
private const int WM_RBUTTONUP = x;
/// <summary>
/// The WM_MBUTTONUP message is posted when the user releases the middle mouse button
/// </summary>
private const int WM_MBUTTONUP = x;
/// <summary>
/// The WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK message is posted when the user doubleclicks the left mouse button
/// </summary>
private const int WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK = x;
/// <summary>
/// The WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK message is posted when the user doubleclicks the right mouse button
/// </summary>
private const int WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK = x;
/// <summary>
/// The WM_RBUTTONDOWN message is posted when the user presses the right mouse button
/// </summary>
private const int WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK = x;
/// <summary>
/// The WM_MOUSEWHEEL message is posted when the user presses the mouse wheel
/// </summary>
private const int WM_MOUSEWHEEL = xA;
/// <summary>
/// The WM_KEYDOWN message is posted to the window with the keyboard focus when a nonsystem
/// key is pressed A nonsystem key is a key that is pressed when the ALT key is not pressed
/// </summary>[Page]
private const int WM_KEYDOWN = x;
/// <summary>
/// The WM_KEYUP message is posted to the window with the keyboard focus when a nonsystem
/// key is released A nonsystem key is a key that is pressed when the ALT key is not pressed
/// or a keyboard key that is pressed when a window has the keyboard focus
/// </summary>
private const int WM_KEYUP = x;
/// <summary>
/// The WM_SYSKEYDOWN message is posted to the window with the keyboard focus when the user
/// presses the F key (which activates the menu bar) or holds down the ALT key and then
/// presses another key It also occurs when no window currently has the keyboard focus;
/// in this case the WM_SYSKEYDOWN message is sent to the active window The window that
/// receives the message can distinguish between these two contexts by checking the context
/// code in the lParam parameter
/// </summary>
private const int WM_SYSKEYDOWN = x;
/// <summary>
/// The WM_SYSKEYUP message is posted to the window with the keyboard focus when the user
/// releases a key that was pressed while the ALT key was held down It also occurs when no
/// window currently has the keyboard focus; in this case the WM_SYSKEYUP message is sent
/// to the active window The window that receives the message can distinguish between
/// these two contexts by checking the context code in the lParam parameter
/// </summary>
private const int WM_SYSKEYUP = x;
private const byte VK_SHIFT = x;
private const byte VK_CAPITAL = x;
private const byte VK_NUMLOCK = x;
/// <summary>
/// Creates an instance of UserActivityHook object and sets mouse and keyboard hooks
/// </summary>
/// <exception cref=\WinException\>Any windows problem</exception>
public UserActivityHook()
/// <summary>
/// Creates an instance of UserActivityHook object and installs both or one of mouse and/or keyboard hooks and starts rasing events
/// </summary>
/// <param name=\InstallMouseHook\><b>true</b> if mouse events must be monitored</param>[Page]
/// <param name=\InstallKeyboardHook\><b>true</b> if keyboard events must be monitored</param>
/// <exception cref=\WinException\>Any windows problem</exception>
/// <remarks>
/// To create an instance without installing hooks call new UserActivityHook(false false)
/// </remarks>
public UserActivityHook(bool InstallMouseHook bool InstallKeyboardHook)
Start(InstallMouseHook InstallKeyboardHook);
/// <summary>
/// Destruction
/// </summary>
//uninstall hooks and do not throw exceptions
Stop(true true false);
/// <summary>
/// Occurs when the user moves the mouse presses any mouse button or scrolls the wheel
/// </summary>
public event MouseEventHandler OnMouseActivity;
/// <summary>
/// Occurs when the user presses a key
/// </summary>
public event KeyEventHandler KeyDown;
/// <summary>
/// Occurs when the user presses and releases
/// </summary>
public event KeyPressEventHandler KeyPress;
/// <summary>
/// Occurs when the user releases a key
/// </summary>
public event KeyEventHandler KeyUp;
/// <summary>
/// Stores the handle to the mouse hook procedure
/// </summary>
private int hMouseHook = ;
/// <summary>
/// Stores the handle to the keyboard hook procedure
/// </summary>
private int hKeyboardHook = ;
/// <summary>
/// Declare MouseHookProcedure as HookProc type
/// </summary>
private static HookProc MouseHookProcedure;
/// <summary>
/// Declare KeyboardHookProcedure as HookProc type
/// </summary>
private static HookProc KeyboardHookProcedure;
/// <summary>
/// Installs both mouse and keyboard hooks and starts raising events
/// </summary>
/// <exception cref=\WinException\>Any windows problem</exception>
public void Start()[Page]
thisStart(true true);
/// <summary>
/// Installs both or one of mouse and/or keyboard hooks and starts raising events
/// </summary>
/// <param name=\InstallMouseHook\><b>true</b> if mouse events must be monitored</param>
/// <param name=\InstallKeyboardHook\><b>true</b> if keyboard events must be monitored</param>
/// <exception cref=\WinException\>Any windows problem</exception>
public void Start(bool InstallMouseHook bool InstallKeyboardHook)
// install Mouse hook only if it is not installed and must be installed
if (hMouseHook == && InstallMouseHook)
// Create an instance of HookProc
MouseHookProcedure = new HookProc(MouseHookProc);
//install hook
hMouseHook = SetWindowsHookEx(
//If SetWindowsHookEx fails
if (hMouseHook == )
//Returns the error code returned by the last unmanaged function called using platform invoke that has the DllImportAttributeSetLastError flag set
int errorCode = MarshalGetLastWinError();
//do cleanup
Stop(true false false);
//Initializes and throws a new instance of the WinException class with the specified error
throw new WinException(errorCode);
// install Keyboard hook only if it is not installed and must be installed
if (hKeyboardHook == && InstallKeyboardHook)
// Create an instance of HookProc
KeyboardHookProcedure = new HookProc(KeyboardHookProc);
//install hook
hKeyboardHook = SetWindowsHookEx(
//If SetWindowsHookEx fails
if (hKeyboardHook == )
//Returns the error code returned by the last unmanaged function called using platform invoke that has the DllImportAttributeSetLastError flag set
int errorCode = MarshalGetLastWinError();
//do cleanup
Stop(false true false);
//Initializes and throws a new instance of the WinException class with the specified error
throw new WinException(errorCode);
/// <summary>
/// Stops monitoring both mouse and keyboard events and rasing events
/// </summary>
/// <exception cref=\WinException\>Any windows problem</exception>
public void Stop()
thisStop(true true true);
/// <summary>
/// Stops monitoring both or one of mouse and/or keyboard events and rasing events
/// </summary>
/// <param name=\UninstallMouseHook\><b>true</b> if mouse hook must be uninstalled</param>
/// <param name=\UninstallKeyboardHook\><b>true</b> if keyboard hook must be uninstalled</param>
/// <param name=\ThrowExceptions\><b>true</b> if exceptions which occured during uninstalling must be thrown</param>
/// <exception cref=\WinException\>Any windows problem</exception>
public void Stop(bool UninstallMouseHook bool UninstallKeyboardHook bool ThrowExceptions)
//if mouse hook set and must be uninstalled
if (hMouseHook != && UninstallMouseHook)
//uninstall hook
int retMouse = UnhookWindowsHookEx(hMouseHook);
//reset invalid handle
hMouseHook = ;
//if failed and exception must be thrown
if (retMouse == && ThrowExceptions)
//Returns the error code returned by the last unmanaged function called using platform invoke that has the DllImportAttributeSetLastError flag set
int errorCode = MarshalGetLastWinError();
//Initializes and throws a new instance of the WinException class with the specified error
throw new WinException(errorCode);
//if keyboard hook set and must be uninstalled
if (hKeyboardHook != && UninstallKeyboardHook)
//uninstall hook
int retKeyboard = UnhookWindowsHookEx(hKeyboardHook);
//reset invalid handle
hKeyboardHook = ;
//if failed and exception must be thrown
if (retKeyboard == && ThrowExceptions)
//Returns the error code returned by the last unmanaged function called using platform invoke that has the DllImportAttributeSetLastError flag set
int errorCode = MarshalGetLastWinError();
//Initializes and throws a new instance of the WinException class with the specified error
throw new WinException(errorCode);
/// <summary>
/// A callback function which will be called every time a mouse activity detected
/// </summary>
/// <param name=\nCode\>
/// [in] Specifies whether the hook procedure must process the message
/// If nCode is HC_ACTION the hook procedure must process the message
/// If nCode is less than zero the hook procedure must pass the message to the
/// CallNextHookEx function without further processing and must return the
/// value returned by CallNextHookEx
/// </param>
/// <param name=\wParam\>
/// [in] Specifies whether the message was sent by the current thread
/// If the message was sent by the current thread it is nonzero; otherwise it is zero
/// </param>
/// <param name=\lParam\>
/// [in] Pointer to a CWPSTRUCT structure that contains details about the message [Page]
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// If nCode is less than zero the hook procedure must return the value returned by CallNextHookEx
/// If nCode is greater than or equal to zero it is highly recommended that you call CallNextHookEx
/// and return the value it returns; otherwise other applications that have installed WH_CALLWNDPROC
/// hooks will not receive hook notifications and may behave incorrectly as a result If the hook
/// procedure does not call CallNextHookEx the return value should be zero
/// </returns>
private int MouseHookProc(int nCode int wParam IntPtr lParam)
// if ok and someone listens to our events
if ((nCode >= ) && (OnMouseActivity != null))
//Marshall the data from callback
MouseLLHookStruct mouseHookStruct = (MouseLLHookStruct)MarshalPtrToStructure(lParam typeof(MouseLLHookStruct));
//detect button clicked
MouseButtons button = MouseButtonsNone;
short mouseDelta = ;
switch (wParam)
button = MouseButtonsLeft;
button = MouseButtonsRight;
//If the message is WM_MOUSEWHEEL the highorder word of mouseData member is the wheel delta
//One wheel click is defined as WHEEL_DELTA which is
//(value >> ) & xffff; retrieves the highorder word from the given bit value
mouseDelta = (short)((mouseHookStructmouseData >> ) & xffff);
//TODO: X BUTTONS (I havent them so was unable to test)
//or WM_NCXBUTTONDBLCLK the highorder word specifies which X button was pressed or released
//and the loworder word is reserved This value can be one or more of the following values
//Otherwise mouseData is not used
//double clicks
int clickCount = ;
if (button != MouseButtonsNone)
if (wParam == WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK || wParam == WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK) clickCount = ;
else clickCount = ;
//generate event
MouseEventArgs e = new MouseEventArgs(
//raise it
OnMouseActivity(this e);
//call next hook
return CallNextHookEx(hMouseHook nCode wParam lParam);
/// <summary>
/// A callback function which will be called every time a keyboard activity detected
/// </summary>
/// <param name=\nCode\>
/// [in] Specifies whether the hook procedure must process the message
/// If nCode is HC_ACTION the hook procedure must process the message
/// If nCode is less than zero the hook procedure must pass the message to the
/// CallNextHookEx function without further processing and must return the
/// value returned by CallNextHookEx
/// </param>
/// <param name=\wParam\>
/// [in] Specifies whether the message was sent by the current thread
/// If the message was sent by the current thread it is nonzero; otherwise it is zero
/// </param>
/// <param name=\lParam\>
/// [in] Pointer to a CWPSTRUCT structure that contains details about the message
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// If nCode is less than zero the hook procedure must return the value returned by CallNextHookEx
/// If nCode is greater than or equal to zero it is highly recommended that you call CallNextHookEx [Page]
/// and return the value it returns; otherwise other applications that have installed WH_CALLWNDPROC
/// hooks will not receive hook notifications and may behave incorrectly as a result If the hook
/// procedure does not call CallNextHookEx the return value should be zero
/// </returns>
private int KeyboardHookProc(int nCode Int wParam IntPtr lParam)
//indicates if any of underlaing events set eHandled flag
bool handled = false;
//it was ok and someone listens to events
if ((nCode >= ) && (KeyDown != null || KeyUp != null || KeyPress != null))
//read structure KeyboardHookStruct at lParam
KeyboardHookStruct MyKeyboardHookStruct = (KeyboardHookStruct)MarshalPtrToStructure(lParam typeof(KeyboardHookStruct));
//raise KeyDown
if (KeyDown != null && (wParam == WM_KEYDOWN || wParam == WM_SYSKEYDOWN))
Keys keyData = (Keys)MyKeyboardHookStructvkCode;
KeyEventArgs e = new KeyEventArgs(keyData);
KeyDown(this e);
handled = handled || eHandled;
// raise KeyPress
if (KeyPress != null && wParam == WM_KEYDOWN)
bool isDownShift = ((GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & x) == x ? true : false);
bool isDownCapslock = (GetKeyState(VK_CAPITAL) != ? true : false);
byte[] keyState = new byte[];
byte[] inBuffer = new byte[];
if (ToAscii(MyKeyboardHookStructvkCode
MyKeyboardHookStructflags) == )
char key = (char)inBuffer[];
if ((isDownCapslock ^ isDownShift) && CharIsLetter(key)) key = CharToUpper(key);
KeyPressEventArgs e = new KeyPressEventArgs(key);[Page]
KeyPress(this e);
handled = handled || eHandled;
// raise KeyUp
if (KeyUp != null && (wParam == WM_KEYUP || wParam == WM_SYSKEYUP))
Keys keyData = (Keys)MyKeyboardHookStructvkCode;
KeyEventArgs e = new KeyEventArgs(keyData);
KeyUp(this e);
handled = handled || eHandled;
//if event handled in application do not handoff to other listeners
if (handled)
return ;
return CallNextHookEx(hKeyboardHook nCode wParam lParam);
using System;
using SystemDrawing;
using SystemCollections;
using SystemComponentModel;
using SystemWindowsForms;
using SystemData;
namespace WindowsApplication
/// <summary>
/// Form 的摘要说明清清月儿主页;
/// </summary>
public class Form : SystemWindowsFormsForm
private SystemWindowsFormsTextBox textBox;
private SystemWindowsFormsTextBox textBox;
private SystemWindowsFormsPanel panel;
/// <summary>
/// 必需的设计器变量
/// </summary>
private SystemComponentModelContainer components = null;
public Form()
// Windows 窗体设计器支持所必需的
// TODO: 在 InitializeComponent 调用后添加任何构造函数代码
/// <summary>
/// 清理所有正在使用的资源
/// </summary>
protected override void Dispose( bool disposing )
if( disposing )
if (components != null)
baseDispose( disposing );
#region Windows 窗体设计器生成的代码
/// <summary>
/// 设计器支持所需的方法 不要使用代码编辑器修改[Page]
/// 此方法的内容
/// </summary>
private void InitializeComponent()
thistextBox = new SystemWindowsFormsTextBox();
thistextBox = new SystemWindowsFormsTextBox();
thispanel = new SystemWindowsFormsPanel();
// textBox
thistextBoxLocation = new SystemDrawingPoint( );
thistextBoxName = \textBox\;
thistextBoxSize = new SystemDrawingSize( );
thistextBoxTabIndex = ;
thistextBoxText = \\;
// textBox
thistextBoxLocation = new SystemDrawingPoint( );
thistextBoxMultiline = true;
thistextBoxName = \textBox\;
thistextBoxSize = new SystemDrawingSize( );
thistextBoxTabIndex = ;
thistextBoxText = \textBox\;
// panel
thispanelLocation = new SystemDrawingPoint( );
thispanelName = \panel\;
thispanelSize = new SystemDrawingSize( );
thispanelTabIndex = ;
// Form
thisAutoScaleBaseSize = new SystemDrawingSize( );
thisClientSize = new SystemDrawingSize( );
thisName = \Form\;
thisText = \Form\;
thisLoad += new SystemEventHandler(thisForm_Load);
/// <summary>
/// 应用程序的主入口点
/// </summary>
static void Main()
ApplicationRun(new Form());
public void MyKeyDown(object sender KeyEventArgs e)
public void MyKeyPress(object sender KeyPressEventArgs e)[Page]
public void MyKeyUp(object sender KeyEventArgs e)
void choose_OnMouseActivity(object sender MouseEventArgs e)
//if (ActiveControlParent == panel) 备用
//if (ActiveControlParent is SystemWindowsFormsPanel) 备用
if (ActiveControl == textBox){
MenuItem copy = new MenuItem(\copy\);
copyClick += new EventHandler(copy_Click);
MenuItem[] menuItems = new MenuItem[] { copy };
ContextMenu buttonMenu = new ContextMenu(menuItems); textBoxContextMenu = buttonMenu;
//thisActiveControlContextMenu = buttonMenu; 备用
private void copy_Click(object sender EventArgs e)
ClipboardSetDataObject(textBoxSelectedText) ; //复制到剪切板
private void Form_Load(object sender SystemEventArgs e)
gmaSystemWindowsUserActivityHook choosesc=new gmaSystemWindowsUserActivityHook();choosescOnMouseActivity += new MouseEventHandler(choose_OnMouseActivity);
//choosescKeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(MyKeyDown);
//choosescKeyPress += new KeyPressEventHandler(MyKeyPress);
//choosescKeyUp += new KeyEventHandler(MyKeyUp);