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using System;

using SystemCollectionsGeneric;

using SystemText;

using SystemDrawing;

using SystemDrawingImaging;

using SystemIO;

namespace paomiangege


public class ImageConvert


private int ICON_W = ;

private int ICON_H = ;

public ImageConvert()



//fileinpathorigaly picture file pathfileoutpath save filepathindex the ImageFormat you want to convert to

public string Convert(string fileinpath string fileoutpath string index)




Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(fileinpath);

index = indexToLower();

switch (index)


case jpg: bitmapSave(fileoutpath ImageFormatJpeg); break;

case jpeg: bitmapSave(fileoutpath ImageFormatJpeg); break;

case bmp: bitmapSave(fileoutpath ImageFormatBmp); break;

case png: bitmapSave(fileoutpath ImageFormatPng); break;

case emf: bitmapSave(fileoutpath ImageFormatEmf); break;

case gif: bitmapSave(fileoutpath ImageFormatGif); break;

case wmf: bitmapSave(fileoutpath ImageFormatWmf); break;

case exif: bitmapSave(fileoutpath ImageFormatExif); break;

case tiff:


Stream stream = FileCreate(fileoutpath);

bitmapSave(stream ImageFormatTiff);


} break;

case ico:


Icon ico;

Stream stream = FileCreate(fileoutpath);

ico = BitmapToIcon(bitmap false);

icoSave(stream); // save the icon


}; break;

default: return Error!;


return Success!;


catch(Exception ex)


return exMessage;



public string Convert(string fileinpath string fileoutpath string indexint widthint height)


if (width <= || height <= )

return error!size illegal!;



Bitmap mybitmap = new Bitmap(fileinpath);

Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(mybitmap width height);

index = indexToLower();

switch (index)


case jpg: bitmapSave(fileoutpath ImageFormatJpeg); break;

case jpeg: bitmapSave(fileoutpath ImageFormatJpeg); break;

case bmp: bitmapSave(fileoutpath ImageFormatBmp); break;

case png: bitmapSave(fileoutpath ImageFormatPng); break;

case emf: bitmapSave(fileoutpath ImageFormatEmf); break;

case gif: bitmapSave(fileoutpath ImageFormatGif); break;

case wmf: bitmapSave(fileoutpath ImageFormatWmf); break;

case exif: bitmapSave(fileoutpath ImageFormatExif); break;

case tiff:


Stream stream = FileCreate(fileoutpath);

bitmapSave(stream ImageFormatTiff);


} break;

case ico:


if (height > || width > )//ico maxsize *

return Error!Size illegal!;

Icon ico;

ICON_H = height;

ICON_W = width;

Stream stream = FileCreate(fileoutpath);

ico = BitmapToIcon(mybitmap true);

icoSave(stream); // save the icon


}; break;

default: return Error!;


return Success!;


catch (Exception ex)


return exMessage;



private Icon BitmapToIcon(Bitmap obm bool preserve)


Bitmap bm;

// if not preserving aspect

if (!preserve) // if not preserving aspect

bm = new Bitmap(obm ICON_W ICON_H); // rescale from original bitmap

// if preserving aspect drop excess significance in least significant direction

else // if preserving aspect


Rectangle rc = new Rectangle( ICON_W ICON_H);

if (obmWidth >= obmHeight) // if width least significant

{ // rescale with width based on max icon height

bm = new Bitmap(obm (ICON_H * obmWidth) / obmHeight ICON_H);

rcX = (bmWidth ICON_W) / ; // chop off excess width significance

if (rcX < ) rcX = ;


else // if height least significant

{ // rescale with height based on max icon width

bm = new Bitmap(obm ICON_W (ICON_W * obmHeight) / obmWidth);

rcY = (bmHeight ICON_H) / ; // chop off excess height significance

if (rcY < ) rcY = ;


bm = bmClone(rc bmPixelFormat); // bitmap for icon rectangle


// create icon from bitmap

Icon icon = IconFromHandle(bmGetHicon()); // create icon from bitmap

bmDispose(); // dispose of bitmap

return icon; // return icon




上一篇:.net WinForm用户控件开发:用户控件下拉式属性设置
