/// <summary>
/// 对称加密算法类使用系统自带的函数
/// </summary>
public class SymmetricMethod
private SymmetricAlgorithm mobjCryptoService;
private string Key;
/// <summary>
/// 对称加密类的构造函数
/// </summary>
public SymmetricMethod()
mobjCryptoService = new RijndaelManaged();
Key = Guz(%&hjxH$yuBIFtmaT&fvHUFCy*h%(HilJ$lhj!y&(*jkPjH;
/// <summary>
/// 获得密钥
/// </summary>
/// <returns>密钥</returns>
private byte[] GetLegalKey()
string sTemp = Key;
byte[] bytTemp = mobjCryptoServiceKey;
int KeyLength = bytTempLength;
if (sTempLength > KeyLength)
sTemp = sTempSubstring( KeyLength);
else if (sTempLength < KeyLength)
sTemp = sTempPadRight(KeyLength );
return ASCIIEncodingASCIIGetBytes(sTemp);
/// <summary>
/// 获得初始向量IV
/// </summary>
/// <returns>初试向量IV</returns>
private byte[] GetLegalIV()
string sTemp = Eghj*Ghg!rNIfb&GUYGfghUb#erHBh(u%gHJ($jhWk&!hgui%$hjk;
byte[] bytTemp = mobjCryptoServiceIV;
int IVLength = bytTempLength;
if (sTempLength > IVLength)
sTemp = sTempSubstring( IVLength);
else if (sTempLength < IVLength)
sTemp = sTempPadRight(IVLength );
return ASCIIEncodingASCIIGetBytes(sTemp);
/// <summary>
/// 加密方法
/// </summary>
/// <param name=Source>待加密的串</param>
/// <returns>经过加密的串</returns>
public string Encrypto(string Source)
byte[] bytIn = UTFEncodingUTFGetBytes(Source);
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
mobjCryptoServiceKey = GetLegalKey();
mobjCryptoServiceIV = GetLegalIV();
ICryptoTransform encrypto = mobjCryptoServiceCreateEncryptor();
CryptoStream cs = new CryptoStream(ms encrypto CryptoStreamModeWrite);
csWrite(bytIn bytInLength);
byte[] bytOut = msToArray();
return ConvertToBaseString(bytOut);
/// <summary>
/// 解密方法
/// </summary>
/// <param name=Source>待解密的串</param>
/// <returns>经过解密的串</returns>
public string Decrypto(string Source)
byte[] bytIn = ConvertFromBaseString(Source);
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(bytIn bytInLength);
mobjCryptoServiceKey = GetLegalKey();
mobjCryptoServiceIV = GetLegalIV();
ICryptoTransform encrypto = mobjCryptoServiceCreateDecryptor();
CryptoStream cs = new CryptoStream(ms encrypto CryptoStreamModeRead);
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(cs);
return srReadToEnd();
enum TDesMode { dmEncry dmDecry };
public class Des
static readonly byte[] BitIP =
static readonly byte[] BitCP =
static readonly int[] BitExp =
static readonly byte[] BitPM =
static readonly byte[] sBox =
static readonly byte[] BitPMC =
static readonly byte[] BitPMC =
byte[][] SubKey;
string Key;
public Des()
Key = Guz(%&hjxH$yuBIFtmaT&fvHUFCy*h%(HilJ$lhj!y&(*jkPjH;
SubKey = new byte[][];
for (int i = ; i < SubKeyLength; i++)
SubKey[i] = new byte[];
void initPermutation(byte[] inData)
byte[] newData = new byte[];
for (int i = ; i < ; i++)
if ((inData[BitIP[i] >> ] & ( << ( (BitIP[i] & x)))) != )
newData[i >> ] |= (byte)( << ( (i & x)));
ArrayCopy(newData inData );
void conversePermutation(byte[] inData)
byte[] newData = new byte[];
for (int i = ; i < ; i++)
if ((inData[BitCP[i] >> ] & ( << ( (BitCP[i] & x)))) != )
newData[i >> ] |= (byte)( << ( (i & x)));
ArrayCopy(newData inData );
void expand(byte[] inData byte[] outData)
ArrayClear(outData );
for (int i = ; i < ; i++)
if ((inData[BitExp[i] >> ] & ( << ( (BitExp[i] & x)))) != )
outData[i >> ] |= (byte)( << ( (i & x)));
void permutation(byte[] inData)
byte[] newData = new byte[];
for (int i = ; i < ; i++)
if ((inData[BitPM[i] >> ] & ( << ( (BitPM[i] & x)))) != )
newData[i >> ] |= (byte)( << ( (i & x)));
ArrayCopy(newData inData );
byte si(byte s byte inByte)
int c = (inByte & x) | ((inByte & xe) >> ) | ((inByte & x) << );
return (byte)(sBox[s c] & xf);
void permutationChoose(byte[] inData byte[] outData)
ArrayClear(outData );
for (int i = ; i < ; i++)
if ((inData[BitPMC[i] >> ] & ( << ( (BitPMC[i] & x)))) != )
outData[i >> ] |= (byte)( << ( (i & x)));
void permutationChoose(byte[] inData byte[] outData)
ArrayClear(outData );
for (int i = ; i < ; i++)
if ((inData[BitPMC[i] >> ] & ( << ( (BitPMC[i] & x)))) != )
outData[i >> ] |= (byte)( << ( (i & x)));
void cycleMove(byte[] inData byte bitMove)
for (int i = ; i < bitMove; i++)
inData[] = (byte)((inData[] << ) | (inData[] >> ));
inData[] = (byte)((inData[] << ) | (inData[] >> ));
inData[] = (byte)((inData[] << ) | (inData[] >> ));
inData[] = (byte)((inData[] << ) | ((inData[] & x) >> ));
inData[] = (byte)(inData[] & xf);
static readonly byte[] bitDisplace = { };
void makeKey(byte[] inKey byte[][] outKey)
byte[] outData = new byte[];
byte[] keyl = new byte[];
byte[] keyr = new byte[];
byte[] keyo = new byte[];
permutationChoose(inKey outData);
keyl[] = (byte)(outData[] >> );
keyl[] = (byte)((outData[] << ) | (outData[] >> ));
keyl[] = (byte)((outData[] << ) | (outData[] >> ));
keyl[] = (byte)((outData[] << ) | (outData[] >> ));
keyr[] = (byte)(outData[] & xf);
keyr[] = (byte)(outData[]);
keyr[] = (byte)(outData[]);
keyr[] = (byte)(outData[]);
for (int i = ; i < ; i++)
cycleMove(keyl bitDisplace[i]);
cycleMove(keyr bitDisplace[i]);
keyo[] = (byte)((keyl[] << ) | (keyl[] >> ));
keyo[] = (byte)((keyl[] << ) | (keyl[] >> ));
keyo[] = (byte)((keyl[] << ) | (keyl[] >> ));
keyo[] = (byte)((keyl[] << ) | (keyr[]));
keyo[] = (byte)(keyr[]);
keyo[] = (byte)(keyr[]);
keyo[] = (byte)(keyr[]);
permutationChoose(keyo outKey[i]);
void encry(byte[] inData byte[] subKey byte[] outData)
byte[] outBuf = new byte[];
byte[] buf = new byte[];
expand(inData outBuf);
for (int i = ; i < ; i++) outBuf[i] = (byte)(outBuf[i] ^ subKey[i]);
// outBuf xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
buf[] = (byte)(outBuf[] >> ); //xxxxxx >
buf[] = (byte)(((outBuf[] & x) << ) | (outBuf[] >> )); // < xx xxxx >
buf[] = (byte)(((outBuf[] & xf) << ) | (outBuf[] >> )); // < xxxx xx >
buf[] = (byte)(outBuf[] & xf); // xxxxxx
buf[] = (byte)(outBuf[] >> ); // xxxxxx
buf[] = (byte)(((outBuf[] & x) << ) | (outBuf[] >> )); // xx xxxx
buf[] = (byte)(((outBuf[] & xf) << ) | (outBuf[] >> )); // xxxx xx
buf[] = (byte)(outBuf[] & xf); // xxxxxx
for (int i = ; i < ; i++) buf[i] = si((byte)i buf[i]);
for (int i = ; i < ; i++) outBuf[i] = (byte)((buf[i * ] << ) | buf[i * + ]);
for (int i = ; i < ; i++) outData[i] = outBuf[i];
// inData outData 都为 Bytes否则出错
void desData(TDesMode desMode byte[] inData byte[] outData)
int i j;
byte[] temp = new byte[];
byte[] buf = new byte[];
for (i = ; i < ; i++) outData[i] = inData[i];
if (desMode == TDesModedmEncry)
for (i = ; i < ; i++)
for (j = ; j < ; j++) temp[j] = outData[j]; //temp = Ln
for (j = ; j < ; j++) outData[j] = outData[j + ]; //Ln+ = Rn
encry(outData SubKey[i] buf); //Rn ==Kn==> buf
for (j = ; j < ; j++) outData[j + ] = (byte)(temp[j] ^ buf[j]); //Rn+ = Ln^buf
for (j = ; j < ; j++) temp[j] = outData[j + ];
for (j = ; j < ; j++) outData[j + ] = outData[j];
for (j = ; j < ; j++) outData[j] = temp[j];
else if (desMode == TDesModedmDecry)
for (i = ; i >= ; i)
for (j = ; j < ; j++) temp[j] = outData[j];
for (j = ; j < ; j++) outData[j] = outData[j + ];
encry(outData SubKey[i] buf);
for (j = ; j < ; j++) outData[j + ] = (byte)(temp[j] ^ buf[j]);
for (j = ; j < ; j++) temp[j] = outData[j + ];
for (j = ; j < ; j++) outData[j + ] = outData[j];
for (j = ; j < ; j++) outData[j] = temp[j];
byte[] Redim(byte[] arr int newSize)
if (newSize == arrLength) return arr;
byte[] newArr = new byte[newSize];
ArrayCopy(arr newArr MathMin(arrLength newSize));
return newArr;
public byte[] EncryBytes(byte[] inData byte[] keyByte)
byte[] tmpByte = new byte[];
byte[] outByte = new byte[];
if ((inDataLength > ) && (inData[inDataLength ] == ))
throw new ArgumentException(The last byte is inData);
if (inDataLength % != ) inData = Redim(inData (inDataLength + ) / * );
if (keyByteLength != ) keyByte = Redim(keyByte );
makeKey(keyByte SubKey);
byte[] outData = new byte[inDataLength];
for (int i = ; i < inDataLength / ; i++)
for (int j = ; j < ; j++)
tmpByte[j] = inData[i * + j];
desData(TDesModedmEncry tmpByte outByte);
for (int j = ; j < ; j++)
outData[i * + j] = outByte[j];
return outData;
public byte[] DecryBytes(byte[] inData byte[] keyByte)
byte[] tmpByte = new byte[];
byte[] outByte = new byte[];
if (keyByteLength != ) keyByte = Redim(keyByte );
makeKey(keyByte SubKey);
byte[] outData = new byte[(inDataLength + ) / * ];
for (int i = ; i < inDataLength / ; i++)
for (int j = ; j < ; j++)
tmpByte[j] = inData[i * + j];
desData(TDesModedmDecry tmpByte outByte);
for (int j = ; j < ; j++)
outData[i * + j] = outByte[j];
int n = outDataLength ;
while (n >= && outData[n] == ) n;
return Redim(outData n + );
public string EncryStr(string Str)
byte[] inData = EncodingUTFGetBytes(Str);
byte[] keyByte = EncodingUTFGetBytes(Key);
byte[] tmpByte = EncryBytes(inData keyByte);
StringBuilder tmpStr = new StringBuilder();
foreach (byte b in tmpByte)
return tmpStrToString();
public string DecryStr(string Str)
byte[] inData = new byte[StrLength];
for (int i = ; i < StrLength; i++)
inData[i] = (byte)Str[i];
byte[] keyByte = EncodingUTFGetBytes(Key);
byte[] tmpByte = DecryBytes(inData keyByte);
return EncodingUTFGetString(tmpByte);
public string EncryStrHex(string Str)
byte[] inData = EncodingUTFGetBytes(Str);
byte[] keyByte = EncodingUTFGetBytes(Key);
byte[] tmpByte = EncryBytes(inData keyByte);
StringBuilder tmpStr = new StringBuilder();
foreach (byte b in tmpByte)
tmpStrAppendFormat({:X} b);
return tmpStrToString();
public string DecryStrHex(string StrHex)
if (StrHexLength % != )
throw new ArgumentException(String length must be even StrHex);
byte[] inData = new byte[StrHexLength / ];
for (int i = ; i < StrHexLength; i += )
inData[i / ] = (byte)(UriFromHex(StrHex[i]) * + UriFromHex(StrHex[i + ]));
byte[] keyByte = EncodingUTFGetBytes(Key);
byte[] tmpByte = DecryBytes(inData keyByte);
return EncodingUTFGetString(tmpByte);
}// End of class Des