CallableStatement cs;
try {
// 调用一个没有参数的函数; 函数返回 a VARCHAR
// 预处理callable语句
cs = connectionprepareCall({? = call myfunc});
// 注册返回值类型
csregisterOutParameter( i);
// Execute and retrieve the returned value
String retValue = csgetString();
// 调用有一个in参数的函数; the function returns a VARCHAR
cs = connectionprepareCall({? = call myfuncin(?)});
// Register the type of the return value
csregisterOutParameter( TypesVARCHAR);
// Set the value for the IN parameter
cssetString( a string);
// Execute and retrieve the returned value
retValue = csgetString();
// 调用有一个out参数的函数; the function returns a VARCHAR
cs = connectionprepareCall({? = call myfuncout(?)});
// Register the types of the return value and OUT parameter
csregisterOutParameter( TypesVARCHAR);
csregisterOutParameter( TypesVARCHAR);
// Execute and retrieve the returned values
retValue = csgetString(); // return value
String outParam = csgetString();// OUT parameter
// 调用有一个in/out参数的函数; the function returns a VARCHAR
cs = connectionprepareCall({? = call myfuncinout(?)});
// Register the types of the return value and OUT parameter
csregisterOutParameter( TypesVARCHAR);
csregisterOutParameter( TypesVARCHAR);
// Set the value for the IN/OUT parameter
cssetString( a string);
// Execute and retrieve the returned values
retValue = csgetString(); // return value
outParam = csgetString(); // IN/OUT parameter
} catch (SQLException e) {