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但是经过测试发现Oracle的ADMINISTRATOR GUIDE里面的描述是错误的我查阅了一下METALINKMETALINK上的一篇文章虽然对这两个参数进行了比较详细的说明但是仍然有一部分描述是错误




这时密码可以任意重用没有限制这也是DEFAULT profile的默认值当这两项都为UNLIMITED时认为这两个参数没有使用因此密码重用没有任何限制

SQL> create profile prof_test limit password_reuse_max unlimited password_reuse_time unlimited; 配置文件已创建 SQL> create user test identified by test profile prof_test; 用户已创建 SQL> alter user test identified by test; 用户已更改 SQL> alter user test identified by test; 用户已更改



看看administrator guide上是怎么说的

Use the CREATE PROFILE statement to specify a time interval during which users cannot reuse a password In the following statement a profile is defined where the PASSWORD_REUSE_TIME clause specifies that the user cannot reuse the password for days CREATE PROFILE prof LIMIT PASSWORD_REUSE_TIME PASSWORD_REUSE_MAX UNLIMITED; In the next statement the PASSWORD_REUSE_MAX clause specifies that the number of password changes the user must make before the current password can be used again is three CREATE PROFILE prof LIMIT PASSWORD_REUSE_MAX PASSWORD_REUSE_TIME UNLIMITED; Note: If you specify PASSWORD_REUSE_TIME or PASSWORD_REUSE_MAX you must set the other to UNLIMITED or not specify it at all


SQL> alter profile prof_test limit password_reuse_max ; 配置文件已更改 SQL> select resource_name limit from dba_profiles where profile = PROF_TEST and resource_type = PASSWORD; RESOURCE_NAMELIMIT FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTSDEFAULT PASSWORD_LIFE_TIMEDEFAULT PASSWORD_REUSE_TIMEUNLIMITED PASSWORD_REUSE_MAX PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTIONDEFAULT PASSWORD_LOCK_TIMEDEFAULT PASSWORD_GRACE_TIMEDEFAULT 已选择 SQL> alter user test identified by test; 用户已更改 SQL> alter user test identified by test; alter user test identified by test * ERROR 位于第 行: ORA: 无法重新使用口令 SQL> alter user test identified by t; 用户已更改 SQL> alter user test identified by t; 用户已更改 SQL> alter user test identified by t; 用户已更改 SQL> alter user test identified by test; alter user test identified by test * ERROR 位于第 行: ORA: 无法重新使用口令



SQL> alter profile prof_test limit password_reuse_max unlimited; 配置文件已更改 SQL> alter user test identified by test; 用户已更改 SQL> alter profile prof_test limit password_reuse_time /; 配置文件已更改 SQL> select resource_name limit from dba_profiles where profile = PROF_TEST and resource_type = PASSWORD; RESOURCE_NAMELIMIT FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTSDEFAULT PASSWORD_LIFE_TIMEDEFAULT PASSWORD_REUSE_TIME PASSWORD_REUSE_MAXUNLIMITED PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTIONDEFAULT PASSWORD_LOCK_TIMEDEFAULT PASSWORD_GRACE_TIMEDEFAULT 已选择 SQL> set time on :: SQL> alter user test identified by test; alter user test identified by test * ERROR 位于第 行: ORA: 无法重新使用口令 :: SQL> :: SQL> :: SQL> alter user test identified by test; alter user test identified by test * ERROR 位于第 行: ORA: 无法重新使用口令 :: SQL> :: SQL> alter user test identified by test; alter user test identified by test * ERROR 位于第 行: ORA: 无法重新使用口令 :: SQL> set time off





SQL> alter profile prof_test limit password_reuse_time unlimited; 配置文件已更改 SQL> alter user test identified by test; 用户已更改 SQL> alter profile prof_test limit password_reuse_max password_reuse_time /; 配置文件已更改 SQL> set time on :: SQL> alter user test identified by test; 用户已更改 :: SQL> alter user test identified by test; alter user test identified by test * ERROR 位于第 行: ORA: 无法重新使用口令 :: SQL> alter user test identified by t; 用户已更改 :: SQL> alter user test identified by t; 用户已更改 :: SQL> alter user test identified by t; 用户已更改 :: SQL> alter user test identified by test; 用户已更改 :: SQL> :: SQL> alter user test identified by test; alter user test identified by test * ERROR 位于第 行: ORA: 无法重新使用口令 :: SQL> :: SQL> :: SQL> alter user test identified by test; 用户已更改


