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export ORACLE_BASE=/u/app/oracle

export ORACLE_HOME=/u/app/oracle/product//db_



export PATH=/u/app/oracle/product//db_/bin:$PATH

export ORA_CRS_HOME=/u/app/crs/product//crs

export PATH=/u/app/crs/product//crs/bin:$PATH

export ORACLE_USER=orarac

crsctl 检查crs

crsctl check crs 检查crs状态

crsctl start crs 启动crs

crsctl stop crs

crsctl check crsd

crs_stat t

等等其 /etc/initd/initcrs stop /etc/initd/initcrsd stop 等开机启动service 脚本如果


crs的启动log 在 $ORA_CRS_HOME/log $ORA_CRS_HOME/log/client 下面可以找到出现错误可以检查一下对应的log

srvctl 启动数据库与实例

srvctl start database d NEWRAC 启动名字为NEWRAC的数据库


[root@newrac ~]# srvctl status database d NEWRAC

Instance NEWRAC is running on node newrac

Instance NEWRAC is running on node newrac

srvctl start instance d NEWRAC i newrac 启动某一个实例

检查rac的配置文件 可以在里面找到数据库的名字等




Daytoday management of Oracle G RAC 原文地址


Daytoday management of Oracle G RAC

CRS management

rnCRSCTL command control of the CRS Services local node (Oracle clusterware processes)

rn stop CRS:

rn $ crsctl stop crs or

rn $ / etc / initcrs stop or

rn $ crs_stopall

rn start CRS:

rn $ crsctl start crs or

rn $ / etc / initcrs start

rn prohibited Clusterware restart automatically at system startup methods:

rn $ / etc / initcrs disable

rn start Clusterware restart automatically at system startup methods:

rn $ / etc / initcrs enable

rn view the status CRS Services

rn $ crsctl check crs

rnOCR resource management

rnOCR resources when the RAC cluster up and running successfully you can use the instrument crs_stat see the following:

rn $ ORA_CRS_HOME / bin / crs_stat

rn general the status of all resources should be online In addition OCR will be four hours each to back up first Have some cases you can restore the OCR configuration file to restore problems OCR

rn such as the use of the following situations occur:

rn $ crs_statt

rnCRS: Cannot communicate with the CRS daemon

rn $ crsctl check boot

rnFailure at procr_open_key with status

rnPROC: The cluster registry key to be operated on does not exist

rn $ crsctl check crs

rnFailure contacting CSS daemon

rnCannot communicate with CRS

rnCannot communicate with EVM

rn caused this error may be due to a lost OCR configuration We can use this backup to restore the previous configuration

rn # / etc / initcrs disable

rn # / etc / initcrs stop

rn before the crs process to ensure that all stopped

rn # su oracle

rn $ cd $ ORA_CRS_HOME / bin

rn $ / ocrconfigrestore / opt / app / oracle / crs / cdata / crs / weekocr

rn then switch to the root user the reenable CRS

rn # / etc / initcrs enable

Finally reboot both node rn

Introduction rnSRVCTL order

rnSRVCTL order to control the RAC database instance listener as well as services

rn at SRVCTL usually carried out under ORACLE user Us to introduce the following command srvctl

rn through SRVCTL command to start / stop / check all of the examples:

rn $ srvctl start | stop | status databased

rn start / stop the specified instance:

rn $ srvctl start | stop | status instancedi

rn list all of the current RAC

rn $ srvctl config databased

rn start / stop / check all nodeapps such as: VIP GSD listener ONS:

rn $ srvctl start | stop | status nodeappsn

rn if you use ASM srvctl can also start / stop ASM instance:

rn $ srvctl start | stop asmn [i] [o]

rn access to all environmental information:

rn $ srvctl getenv databased [i]

rn set the overall environment and the variables:

rn $ srvctl setenv databasedt LANG = en

rn have been deleted from the OCR databases:

rn $ srvctl remove databased

rn to the OCR to add a database:

rn $ srvctl add databasedo

rn [m] [p] [A / netmask] [r (PRIMARY | PHYSICAL_STANDBY | LOGICAL_STANDBY)] [s]

rn to the OCR to add a database instance:

rn $ srvctl add instancedin

rn $ srvctl add instancedin

rn to the OCR Add a ASM instance:

rn $ srvctl add asmnio

rn add a service

rn $ srvctl add servicedsr [a] [P] [u]

rn modified on other nodes in the service

rn $ srvctl modify servicedsIt

rn relocate a service node to other nodes

rnsrvctl relocate servicedsI

and related services rnCRS common command demo

rn view order status

rn # suoracle to switch to the oracle user

rn $ crs_statt check crs and all of the service status

rn $ crsctl check crs use crsctl order to check the status of related services crs

rn $ srvctl status nodeappsn db (db) use srvctl to view the services on all nodes and whether it is normal

rn $ srvctl status databased db the database using srvctl status view

rn turn off startup and related services in order

rn # su oracle

rn $ crs_startall start all crs Service

rn $ crs_stopall to stop all of the Services crs

rn $ crsctl start crs Services start crs

rn $ crsctl stop crs stop crs Service

rn $ srvctl start nodeappsn db (db) Start a node on the application of all

rn $ srvctl stop nodeappsn db (db) stop a node on the application of all

rn $ srvctl start listenern db (db) Start a node listener

rn $ srvctl stop listenern db (db) The listener to stop a node

rn $ srvctl start instanced dbi db (db) start an instance

rn $ srvctl stop instanced dbi db (db) to stop a particular instance

rn $ srvctl start databased db startup database

rn $ srvctl stop databased db to stop the database


RAC common command description 原文地址

oracle rac database of commonly used commands:

The state of all instances and services

srvclt status databased orcl

A single instance of state:

srvctl status instanced orcli orcl/orcl

Global names in the database status of the service:

srvctl status serviced orcls orcltest

Applicationspecific node state:

srvctl status nodeappsn linux

srvctl status nodeappsn linux

ASM instance state

srvctl status asmn linux

Lists all database configuration:

srvctl config database

Display RAC database configuration information:

srvctl config databased orcl

Show all services specified cluster database

srvctl config serviced orcl

Display node application configuration information (VIP GSD ONS Listener etc)

srvctl config nodeappsn linuxagsl

Shows the configuration of ASM instance

srvctl config asmn linux

Cluster all running instances:


inst_id instance_number inst_no instance_name is inst_name

parallel status database_status db_status

active_state state host_name host from gv $ instance

order by inst_id;

In the disk group all data files:

select name from v $ datafile


select member from v $ logfile


select name from v $ controlfile


select name from v $ tempfile;

Start and stop RAC databases:

su oracle


Stop oracle rac g environment:

The first step: stop oracle instance when this instance (and related services) closed shut down ASM instances and finally close the node applications (Virtual IP GSD TNS Listener and ONS)

export oracle_sid = orcl

emctl stop dbconsole

srvclt stop instanced orcli orcl

srvctl stop asmn rac

srvctl stop nodeappsn rac

Start RAC environment:

The first step is to start the node applications (Virtual IP GSD TNS listener and ONS

) When the successful launch of the node application start the ASM instance and finally start the ORACLE instance (and related services) and Enterprise Manager Database console

export oracle_sid = orcl

srvctl start nodeappsn rac

srvctl start asmn rac

srvctl start instanced orcli orcl

emctl start dbconsole

Practical srvclt start to stop all instances of:

srvclt start databased orcl

srvctl stop databased orcl

Start stop the listener:

lsnrctl start listener_hostb

lsnrctl stop listener


************************************************** ************************

Oracle G R RAC daily management

CRS management

CRSCTL command controls the local nodes CRS services (Oracle clusterware processes)

Stop CRS:

$ Crsctl stop crs or

$ / Etc / initcrs stop or

$ Crs_stopall

Start CRS:

$ Crsctl start crs or

$ / Etc / initcrs start

Prohibition Clusterware restart automatically after system start method:

$ / Etc / initcrs disable

Start Clusterware automatically start after reboot the system approach:

$ / Etc / initcrs enable

See CRS service status

$ Crsctl check crs

OCR resource management

OCR resources when the RAC cluster up and running after success you can use crs_stat tools see the following:

$ ORA_CRS_HOME / bin / crs_stat

Typically the state of all resources should be online In addition OCR will backup every hours once In some cases you can restore the OCR configuration file to restore the problem of OCR

Such as use of the following situations occur:

$ Crs_statt

CRS: Cannot communicate with the CRS daemon

$ Crsctl check boot

Failure at procr_open_key with status

PROC: The cluster registry key to be operated on does not exist

$ Crsctl check crs

Failure contacting CSS daemon

Cannot communicate with CRS

Cannot communicate with EVM

A possible cause of this error because the OCR configuration lost We can use this backup to restore the previous configuration

# / Etc / initcrs disable

# / Etc / initcrs stop

First ensure that all of the crs process all the stops

# Su oracle

$ Cd $ ORA_CRS_HOME / bin

$ / Ocrconfigrestore / opt / app / oracle / crs / cdata / crs / weekocr

Then switch to the root user the reenable CRS

# / Etc / initcrs enable

Finally reboot the two nodes

SRVCTL command description

SRVCTL command can control the RAC database instance listener and services

Usually SRVCTL executed in the ORACLE user Heres a srvctl command

by SRVCTL command to start / stop / check all of the examples:

$ Srvctl start | stop | status databased <db_name>

start / stop the specified instance:

$ Srvctl start | stop | status instanced <db_name>i <instance_name>

lists all the current RAC under

$ Srvctl config databased <db_name>

start / stop / check all the nodeapps such as: VIP GSD listener ONS:

$ Srvctl start | stop | status nodeappsn <node_name>

if you use ASM srvctl can also start / stop ASM instance:

$ Srvctl start | stop asmn <node_name> [i <asm_inst_name>] [o <oracle_home>]

can get all of the environmental information:

$ Srvctl getenv databased <db_name> [i <instance_name>]

set the global environment and the variables:

$ Srvctl setenv databased <db_name>t LANG = en

to remove from the existing OCR databases:

$ Srvctl remove databased <db_name>

add a database to OCR:

$ Srvctl add databased <db_name>o <oracle_home>

[M <domain_name>] [p <spfile>] [A <name|ip> / netmask] [r (PRIMARY | PHYSICAL_STANDBY | LOGICAL_STANDBY)] [s <start_options>]

to the OCR to add a database instance:

$ Srvctl add instanced <db_name>i <instance_name>n <node>

$ Srvctl add instanced <db_name>i <instance_name>n <node>

to add an OCR ASM instance:

$ Srvctl add asmn <node_name>i <asm_inst_name>o <oracle_home>

add a service

$ Srvctl add serviced <db_name>s <service_name>r <preferred_list> [a <available_list>] [P <TAF_policy>] [u]

modify the service to other nodes

$ Srvctl modify serviced <db_name>s <service_name>I <orig_instance_name>t <target_instance_name>

relocate to a service node to other nodes

srvctl relocate serviced <db_name>s <service_name>I

CRS and related services a demonstration of common commands

view the status of the command

# Suoracle first switch to the oracle user

$ Crs_statt View crs and all the service of the state

$ Crsctl check crs use crsctl command to check the status of related services crs

$ Srvctl status nodeappsn db (db) use the srvctl view the services on all nodes are normal

$ Srvctl status databased db the database using srvctl view the status of startup and shutdown commands related services

# Su oracle

$ Crs_startall start all the crs service

$ Crs_stopall to stop all the crs service

$ Crsctl start crs starts crs Service

$ Crsctl stop crs stop crs service

$ Srvctl start nodeappsn db (db) start all applications in a node

$ Srvctl stop nodeappsn db (db) Stop all applications on a node

$ Srvctl start listenern db (db) Start a node listener

$ Srvctl stop listenern db (db) The listener to stop a node

$ Srvctl start instanced dbi db (db) start an instance

$ Srvctl stop instanced dbi db (db) stop an instance

$ Srvctl start databased db Startup Database

$ Srvctl stop databased db Stop database



