许多体育站点的一个常见特性是如下功能访问联盟表并且显示一些小型化的视图其中显示队伍在联盟中的名次虽然Wrox United联盟表不是大型的(只包含个队伍)但确实可以创建一个Web服务将显示联盟中位于Wrox United上面和下面的队伍当然这儿有两个限制性条件一个是在Wrox United位于联盟第一位这个不太可能的事件中需要显示位于它下面的两个队伍在Wrox United位于联盟最后一位这种更有可能的情况下则应该显示位于它上面的两个队伍然而将在接触到这些特定的情况时跳过它们
()转到Solution Explorer右击最上面一行选择Add New Item命令然后选择Web Service选项将名称改为LeagueMiniView单击OK
Imports SystemData
Imports SystemDataSqlClient
<WebMethod()> _
Public Function ViewLeague() As DataSet
Dim conn As New
Dim sqlstring As String
sqlstring = SELECT [OpponentID] [Name] [TotalGoalsFor] [TotalGoalsAgainst] [TotalGoalsFor][TotalGoalsAgainst] AS [GoalDifference] [Points] FROM [Opponents] Order By [Points] DESC [GoalDifference] DESC [TotalGoalsFor] DESC
Dim adapter As New SqlDataAdapter(sqlstring conn)
Dim adapter As New SqlDataAdapter(sqlstring conn)
Dim ds As New DataSet
Dim ds As New DataSet
Dim position As Integer
Dim offset As Integer
Dim rows As DataRowCollection
adapterFill(ds ViewLeague)
rows = dsTables(ViewLeague)Rows
For i As Integer = To rowsCount
If rows(i)(Name)ToString() = Wrox United Then
position = i +
End If
If position > And position < rowsCount Then
offset = position
ElseIf position = Then
offset = position
offset = position
End If
adapterFill(ds offset ViewLeague)
dsTables(ViewLeague)ColumnsAdd(Position GetType(Integer))
rows = dsTables(ViewLeague)Rows
For i As Integer = To rowsCount
rows(i)(Position) = offset + i +
Return ds
End Function
End Class
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