这是他常用的xml定义<siteMapNode url=Course/Group/GroupListaspx title=GroupAdmin >这个SiteMap的权限已经和Membership结合起来了不同权限的用户所看到的地图已经被控制了可以配置role属性来扩展例外的访问许可注意是例外的访问许可
<siteMapNode url=Course/Tests/TestListaspx title=TestAdmin role=student>这里有些介绍
首先介绍这样一个资源MySiteMapTool这位仁兄已经提供了一个工具可以在程序中转发带参数的请求比如 MySiteMapForward(Details AlbumID={}&Page={} )确是简单实用
private void Page_Load(object sender EventArgs e)
{ // The ExpandForumPaths method is called to handle // the SiteMapResolve event SiteMapSiteMapResolve += new SiteMapResolveEventHandler(thisExpandForumPaths)}
private SiteMapNode ExpandForumPaths(Object sender SiteMapResolveEventArgs e)
{ // The current node represents a Post page in a bulletin board forum // Clone the current node and all of its relevant parents This // returns a site map node that a developer can then // walk modifying each nodeUrl property in turn // Since the cloned nodes are separate from the underlying // site navigation structure the fixups that are made do not // effect the overall site navigation structure SiteMapNode currentNode = SiteMapCurrentNodeClone(true)SiteMapNode tempNode = currentNode
// Obtain the recent IDs int forumGroupID = GetMostRecentForumGroupID()int forumID = GetMostRecentForumID(forumGroupID)int postID = GetMostRecentPostID(forumID)
// The current node and its parents can be modified to include // dynamic querystring information relevant to the currently // executing request if ( != postID)
{ tempNodeUrl = tempNodeUrl + ?PostID= + postIDToString()}
if ((null != (tempNode = tempNodeParentNode)) &&( != forumID))
{ tempNodeUrl = tempNodeUrl + ?ForumID= + forumIDToString()}
if ((null != (tempNode = tempNodeParentNode)) &&( != forumGroupID))
{ tempNodeUrl = tempNodeUrl + ?ForumGroupID= + forumGroupIDToString()}
return currentNode}
<siteMapNode url=Course/Group/GroupDetailaspx title=Group Detail rule=cidgid>这是两个函数递归处理所有的路径 private string MakeURL(SiteMapNode node)
{ nodeReadOnly = false//find the static url string url = MySiteMapFindForward(nodeTitle)if (node[rule] != null && node[rule]Length > )
{ //if have the rulethen check string[] paramSet = node[rule]Split()//check for (int i = i < paramSetLength i++)
{ //if request have not such a param then invoke self to check his parent if (HttpContextCurrentRequestParams[paramSet[i]] == null)
return MakeURL(nodeParentNode)} //if pass then add all the params and return the value url += ?for (int i = i < paramSetLength i++)
{ string key = paramSet[i]//cid——>cid= the former format is like rule=cidtid url = url + key + = + HttpContextCurrentRequestParams[key] + &} return urlSubstring( urlLength ) //remove last &
} else { //if there is no rule then return the url directly return url} } private void ReBindData(SiteMapNode root)
{ string url = MakeURL(root)if (url != )
rootUrl = urlfor (int i = i < rootChildNodesCount i++)
{ ReBindData(rootChildNodes[i])} }在ReBindData里面递归调用MakeUrl函数
不过应用的是后需要做一些改动他原来的实现是用静态的类如此加载//SiteMapNodeCollection smc = SiteMapRootNodeGetAllNodes()//siteMapCol = new NameValueCollection()
//IEnumerator ie = smcGetEnumerator()//while (ieMoveNext())
//{ // siteMapCol[((SiteMapNode)ieCurrent)Title] = ((SiteMapNode)ieCurrent)Url//}但是由于用户在没有登陆的时候限于权限它能访问的页面有限所以SiteMapRootNodeGetAllNodes()得到的不是所有数据可能只是一部分或者改动方式就是自己写一个函数直接读取xml文件递归获取所有数据定义